Evangelical Charity

The Department of Evangelical Charity together with our 9 member Commission strives to help our parish live out their baptismal call to serve one another.

For Parish projects within the Christ the Redeemer faith community – CLICK HERE

To volunteer for any of these Service projects or other ministries, please see the Volunteer Form – CLICK HERE

Evangelical Charity 

Watch the Evangelical Charity Commission Video – CLICK HERE

We are always open to suggestions and comments. Questions: email service@ctredeemer.org.

Serve as a Commission Member

Our Evangelical Charity Commission has defined its charter to identify areas of need in the local community and to develop responses through programs or actions that aim to serve humanity and promote justice. The Commission seeks to network with other groups and entrusts all members of the community to put into action the mandate Jesus gave to the disciples: “As I have done, so you must do.”

The Evangelical Charity Commission is instrumental in coordinating a number of important programs for the community including: Blood Drive, Thanksgiving Dinner Program, Christmas Giving Tree Program, Easter Basket Program and the Not Your Ordinary Food Drives.

The Evangelical Charity Commission is closely associated with the Evangelical Charity Department which has expanded its programs in many new directions in recent years. “Striving to make a difference”, the Christian Service group continues to minister to our parish community as well as the local community.


1 year
Cheryl McNeil
Ann Hines
Jerry Romito
2 year
Lisa Sherman
Laura Pangori
Kathy Wrighton
3 year
Debbie Case
Susan Weber
Meg Galardi 
Therese Mahoney-Secretary
Karen Swietlik-Secretary

Stewards of the Earth
Our Catholic faith calls to us through the teaching of Social Justice.

The seventh point reads:

CARE FOR GOD’S CREATION: We show our respect for the Creator by our stewardship of creation. Care for the earth is a requirement of our faith. We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. This environmental challenge has fundamental moral and ethical dimensions that cannot be ignored.

Below are some links that provide helpful information on our responsibility of Stewards of the earth:


Creator, this is such a beautiful world, both fragile and resilient.

Forgive us when we act as if this world belongs to us, rather than to you.

May our desire to love all of life grow; may our ability to act lovingly toward all of life grow. Thank you for caring people and our time together.

Help us to continue to support one another in our journeys; use us to bring about a world more compassionate and just, where all people and all creation enjoy and share in life’s bounty.


Evangelical Charity Ministry Volunteer Opportunities