Tithing and Sacrificial Giving


Christ the Redeemer supports Online Giving—a convenient and safe way to make a one-time or recurring donation. Getting started is easy—just click on either the Online Giving link on the left or on the one below and follow the instructions. When you participate, your gift will be securely transferred directly into the parish bank account. And you won’t have to remember to write a check or stop by the ATM on Sundays!

Christ the Redeemer gives 10% of our Sunday collection away to local, national and international charities. Many of our parishioners have chosen to base their own sacrificial giving as a percentage of their income and there are also opportunities to take advantage of rewards programs which return a percentage of our purchases to the parish.

To set up Online Giving, click on the following image:ParishSoftButton2

To help you make your Sacrificial Giving decisions, we provide a Calculator written in Excel – CLICK HERE

We also offer giving by texting. Click on the following image for more information:text_to_give_thm

To give through CSA online, click on the following image: CSA-Logo

A message from Fr. Bill regarding CSA. CLICK HERE

Memorial Donation Opportunity

Memorial Donations for our new LED sign are now being taken through our online giving program.

CLICK HERE to go to the giving module and select the HOME tab.

On that page click on the Donations for LED Sign card to donate to this fund.

Fill out the form with memorial name and amount.


Fiscal Year 2023 - End of the Year Update

For the FY End of the Year Report: CLICK HERE

For a Letter from Fr. Bill regarding FY23: CLICK HERE

Tithing and Sacrificial Giving 

Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church is a tithing community of faith. What does that exactly mean?

This concept of tithing comes to us from Hebrew Scripture as far back as Abraham and Jacob in Genesis and has continued in Christian communities to present day. A tithe means a "tenth." In scripture a tenth of the first fruits was given from the household's wealth, harvest or income.  In this faith community of Christ the Redeemer, for a very long time, families and individuals have been encourged to prayerfully discern what portion they can give to the Church.  As a community from the total of our collection or offering a tenth or tithe is taken and that tithe is then given to local, national and global charities.  The Tithing Committee carefully discerns each quarter where our money is to be distributed.  

Tithing comes to us from scripture, and it has been deemed spiritully right and just for people of faith to give a portion of their wealth and income: 

Hebrew Scripture: Genesis 14:19-20, 28:20-22, Deut. 14:22–24; 2 Chron. 31:5–6

New Testament: Matthew 20: 1-16a, Mark 12:41-43, Luke 11:42, 2 Corinthians 8-9. 

The key to all of this is generosity.  Jesus encouraged generosity in his parables and teachings and so did the wisdom in the Hebrew Scriptures. In Proverbs 3:9 it says, "Honor the LORD with your wealth, with first fruits of all your produce." How does this relate to us now? 

What does it mean to give first fruits?

In ancient times people offered God the first (or finest) fruits of their labor – often produce or livestock – as a covenantal sign of faith. Most of us don’t farm or tend sheep nowadays, but we can still dedicate the first work of our hands to God by offering our first hour’s wage each week (or its equivalent).

Why do we give first fruits?
Think of the monetary gift we choose to offer each week as an apple. If we were to give God the gift of an apple, would we offer him one with a bite taken out of it? Would we offer one that’s half-eaten? Would we offer a mere apple core? Giving our first fruits is an outward sign of our love for God. When we give God our “finest,” it shows trust in His plan for us.

When do we give first fruits?
“Firsts” are always at the beginning. So, we give first fruits at the beginning of the month or week. Implied in this definition of “first” is the truth that there will always be a beginning to the month or week. We are called to give consistently, every month or every week. Also implied is the notion that by giving to God first, we are not giving of our excess (what’s left after the bites are taken out of the apple). Rather, we are giving God a gift that’s whole, given freely and out of trust.

How do I give first fruits?
So, giving first fruits means giving our finest consistently. A very effective way to do this is through ONLINE GIVING. Leaving what we commit to God to the last minute can become a whole apple one week, a half of an apple the next week, and no apple the week after that. ONLINE GIVING is consistent – the same discerned gift amount at the same time every month. You can give with a credit card or through your bank account.

Who gives first fruits?
As soon as we are employed and on our own, it is time to make our own covenant with God and give our first fruits. At different times in our lives we may face financial hardships or a bumper crop of apples. Through it all, we discern what our “finest” is and give accordingly. As we grow closer to God and see first hand the blessings he gives for our trust in him, we find other ways to give as well – from giving a percentage of work bonuses, inheritances or gifts to planned giving in our wills.

Serve as a Tithing Committee Member

Did You Know?

Christ the Redeemer has a Tithing Committee that meets quarterly to donate 10% of our monthly offertory collection to charitable organizations. If you are aware of, or have a special interest in a local or national charity that you would like to nominate for donation, we would like to hear from you. Often, parishioners personally know or receive requests from charitable organizations in need. Your input is valued and welcomed. Any donated monies are used to provide food, shelter and clothing. Funds will not be given for charitable events, including golf outings, recreations, athletic, political or fundraising events.

Tithing Members are:

1 year

Kate Schueren

Judy Majewski-Co Chair

David Potter-Chair 

2 years

Terrie Wehrwein 

Jennifer Brumbaugh

Judy Runk

3 years

Larry Alexander

Ronaele Bowman 

Karen Pasquier  

Paula Klozik 

To view the complete criteria necessary for disbursement of funds, please click on TITHING CRITERIA below. Please note – for an organization to be considered and possibly receive a donation, the Christ the Redeemer tithing request form MUST be filled out (be sure to fill in the amount requested), and then return to the parish office.

Thank you for helping us to make a difference in our local and world community.


Other Ways to Support the Parish 

Kroger Rewards Program

Christ the Redeemer Church is now participating in the Kroger Community Rewards Program.

A percentage of your purchases will be donated to the parish. It is very simple to register your rewards card or sign up for a card.


  • Register online at krogercommunityrewards.com
  • Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card with your organization after you sign up. If a member does not yet have a Kroger Plus card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger.
  • Click on Sign In/Register under Welcome! (top right hand side of page)
  • Most participants are new online customers, so they must click on SIGN UP TODAY in the ‘New Customer?’ box at right.
  • Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions
  • You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email.
  • Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step.
  • Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number (towards bottom of the screen). Save changes.
  • Update or confirm your information.
  • Enter NPO number or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm. Enter 83715, Select Christ the Redeemer, Save Changes
  • To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name at the bottom of your information page.

Questions call the parish office, 248-391-1621.

Double Your Donation-Does Your Company Match?

Did you know that many companies will financially match donations that their employees make to non-profit organizations and that CTR could be one of those recipients?  Most companies match donations one-to-one, but some will match two-to-two or even three-to-one!  Check with your employees to see if they participate.  We are grateful.