I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing. I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.
John 15:5-11
Confirmation is often symbolized by a flame because the fire of our faith and God's love has been kindled in each one of us. Confirmation is a moment when the Holy Spirit is called down by the faithful gathered along with the Bishop to bless and sanctify each person being confirmed in the spirit. In our faith tradition the Holy Spirit is depicted as a dove. It comes from scripture when we hear in Jesus' baptism a dove decended upon him while God said, this is my beloved upon who I am well pleased. Jesus after he died and rose again, came to visit his disciples. He calls them out of fear, breaths on them and gives them the power of the Holy Spirit to guide their hearts and feet. This is the Pentacost moment when Jesus gives them the command to Go and Make disciples in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Confirmation is a time when a person confirms their baptism, says yes to Jesus' transforming power and love, and takes their faith journey into the next steps of discipleship, service, prayer, and continual spiritual growth.
It is good to always remind ourselves of our confirmation and to live out our baptismal call to be on mission, setting the world on fire by sharing God's love, mercy and compassion.
For Registration and further details Click Here.
Adults who have never celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation are encouraged to contact Drew Peters-OCIA coordinator, engagement@ctredeemer.org, to determine the best route of preparation for the Sacrament.