Tender Loving Cookers (TLC)- Our cooks of the parish prepare a meal for a family in crisis.
Funeral Luncheon Volunteers –Volunteers are needed to help with set up, food preparation, serving & cleanup at funeral luncheons.
Funeral Luncheon Food Donors- Parishioners may also sign up to donate a dessert for a funeral luncheon.
Coffee and Donut/Bagel Ministry –Volunteers prepare coffee and set up donuts, bagels, juice (and clean up) following Sunday morning Masses.
Special Event Hospitality- Volunteers may be needed at special events throughout the year such as New Parishioner Welcome, Vicariate meetings, and Confirmation receptions.
Soup Makers- Provide a pot of soup for Soup Suppers during Lent and/ or other occasions. Blood Drive Hospitality- At the drive, volunteers serve refreshments to the donors.
Cookie Cherubs- Our sugary sweet cookie bakers provide 1-2 dozen homemade cookies for parish functions.
Launder Table Linens and Towels –Volunteers launder table linens and towels following special events.