The Sacrament of Baptism is the first of the Sacraments of Initiation of the Catholic Church. It is the beginning of our faith journey. Through the waters of Baptism, this Sacrament unites us with the Body of Jesus Christ. Through the symbols of water, oil, light and a white garment we become children of God and members of the Church. At the Font, when we bless ourselves with water in the sign of the cross, we remind ourselves of our baptismal call to live as disciples of Christ.
Parents seeking the Sacrament of Baptism for an infant or child less than seven years old must be registered members of the parish. Parents must participate in a Sacramental Preparation Session led by the Director of Family Ministries. An infant or young child is unable to profess faith in Jesus Christ, so their Baptism is based on the faith of their parents and godparents, a family of faith. While parents have the primary responsibility of raising their child in the practice of our Catholic faith, godparents are expected to support this process through their own example of faith and virtue. Though it is customary to choose two godparents, Church law requires only one Catholic godparent who is fully initiated (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation). The second godparent may be Catholic or a Baptized Christian of another denomination. Sponsors are encouraged to attend the Baptism Prep Session with the parents. Infant Baptism is usually scheduled at Saturday evening or Sunday morning Masses once a month throughout the year (except during Advent and Lent). Contact the Parish Office at 248-391-1621 for more information. Children baptized as infants are expected to be enrolled in our Discipleship Formation Program called “The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd” from pre-K through 8th grade.
For more information see Family Ministry or Click here:
Baptism Prep Classes
The OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) may be adjusted to accommodate the needs of children older than seven years old but not yet adults. The OCIA is a nine-month process of formation and education that reaches its climax at the Easter Vigil with the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist). Contact our Director of Engagement for more information at 248-391-1621 EXT 33 or
Teens and adults seeking to become Catholic may enter the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults). This is a nine-month process of education and formation leading up to the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil. The four periods of the OCIA are Pre-Catechumenate/Inquiry, Catechumenate, Purification/Enlightenment and Mystagogy. Each period deepens one’s encounter with Christ and the Church. The OCIA Cohort starts meeting on Sunday afternoon in September and concludes in May/June. Contact the Director of Engagement for more details at 248-391-1621 EXT 33 or