This year we chose a piece of art which depicts the prophet Elijah at the threshold of the cave listening amid the chaos to the 'still small voice of God.' The artist who created this painting is named Bob Booth. In addition to being an artist he is an ordained minister and he lives and works in Western Australia. When we reached out to him to ask permission to use his work for our Lenten theme and program he responded by saying, "It has always been my hope that my work is used to enrich the onlookers' journey in their Christian faith."
This is the artist's statement on the Still Small Voice painting:
While painting, my thoughts focused on passages from Philippians 2: 5-8; Mark 14:32-36; 1 Kings 18 and 1 Kings 19: 9-13. The issues raised are still so relevant to us in our world today. The many powerful symbols and dominant themes led me to contemplate how we regard members of other denominations and religions, and to ponder what is a good Christian.
The overarching significance is in 'smallest'. The still small voice is the light that changes us.
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